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Dick Mellor, prisoner of the truth |
By Dick Mellor, Stoke's Number One Columnist.
I see that the soppy, lily-bollocked liberal media has got its silk knickers in a twist (and probably jizzed in them a little as well) in its condemnation of Phillip Schofield after he did what all right-minded people in his position would have done and handed over a list of probable paedos he found on a random internet page to Prime Minister Dave Cameron live on TV show 'This Morning'!
It's absofuckinlutley ruddyculous (a cross between ruddy and ridiculous) that he is being criticised for this act of bravery, standing up to the paedo menace that is terrorising the land on a daily basis. It's typical of the pro-paedo liberal media in this once Great but now Broken Britain that Schofield is being portrayed as the villain here rather than the kiddy-fiddling nonces who are able to go about their daily molestations without anybody being able to stop them, thanks to those big bag of floppy soft dicks in Brussels who spend their days worrying about pointless shenanigans like bendy bananas, human rights and what expenses they can fleece from the system and none of their time worrying about real issues like the noncification of Europe.
Back in my day, it was perfectly acceptable to beat up someone you suspected of being a nonce, so what if the wrong person got lynched occasionally it was all done for the greater good and the victims accepted it was just part and parcel of being a weirdo back then: you would get beaten up occasionally if people thought you looked like the type who might have a go on a nipper. We've gone soft in this country and it's time we all got hard again.
I see also that Obama (or "Obummer" as I call him) has been elected American President again by our obese cousins across the Atlantic Ocean, or British Ocean, as it should be called. "What a breath of fresh air," you're probably thinking. WRONG! Obummer is literally in the pocket of happy clappy, leftie, tree-hugging, crack-smoking celebrities and the gay mafia and got where he is today by sucking corporate teat, where as rival Mitt Romney, who should have won the race to the White House (not racist), already a part of the corporate machine that enables our society to run smoothly, is someone who normally gets his teats sucked by stammering, bog-eyed wannabes like Obummer. And I don't know about you, but I'd rather have a teat-suckee as president rather than a teat-sucker.
*Dick's latest essay, 'Hating The Player AND The Game', is available now from Dick Mellor Publishing Corp.
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