Wednesday, 14 November 2012

BBC Europe

By Dick Mellor, Stoke's Angriest Man

I see that the BBC (which should stand for "Big load of fupping Bollocks Corporation", but doesn't) is in the shit again after falsely accusing a Tory peer of being a kiddyfupper. What a surprise, our Guardian-reading friends at the Beeb forgot to check their facts before shitting it out of their arses and into our eyes and ears as "the news". The only surprise here is that those leftie liberal, bleeding heart, commie, perverts are still going and haven't been handed over to Rupert Murdoch or Richard Desmond to run properly as a commercial enterprise. Eastenders can fupp right off.

I see also that half of Europe is on strike protesting against austerity measures. What a surprise, our Continental friends have found an excuse not to bother doing any work. For a change. That whole lot of those feckless, lazy, foreign bastards should be sacked and replaced by people willing to the work, even if they have to bring in a shit ton of people in from Poland to do it. Unions are nothing more than a bunch of perverts trying to stop Governments from doing their jobs and should be broken up. Thatcher had the right idea, that sexy bitch.

*Dick's latest novel, 'Ganarek and the Sword of Destiny', is available tomorrow from Dick Mellor Publishing Corp.

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