Sunday, 19 March 2017

People Who Say "Fake News" A Lot Are Thick, Says Study

A new study by nerds at Staffordshire University has found that people who use the term "fake news" are less intelligent than people who don't.

"Listen, this is not a dig at Donald Trump," Professor Jack Scrumps said. "I'm a big fan of the man, big fan. I once did a piss into the letterbox of one of his hotels. Good times."

The study analysed the social media posts of people rating overall intelligence from their output and linking it to uses of certain keywords and phrases.

"According to the study, Trump is a fuckwit," Professor Scrumps added. "The study doesn't lie."

Phrases that smarter people use include "gumption", "cut of your jib" and "no bad can possibly come from this".

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